LOCAL STORAGE(explained)

LOCAL STORAGE(explained)

Before i go into what local storage is, let me quickly give a simple background.

The Web storage API provides mechanisms by which browsers can securely store key/value pairs.

for example,

firstName : Victor


  1. Session Storage: This maintains a separate storage area as long as the browser is open.

  2. Local Storage: This continues to store data even after the browser is closed.

Both local storage and session storage are properties of the window object which simply represents an open window in a browser.


Local storage is a property that allows JavaScript sites and apps to save key/value pairs in a web browser.


Local storage works using five simple methods, so hang on as we dive into each of them.

  1. setItem(): This is used to add key and value to local storage.
  2. getItem(): This is used to get or extract items from the local storage.
  3. removeItem(): This is used to remove an item by key from the local storage.
  4. clear(): This is used to clear all data from the local storage.
  5. key(): passes a number to retrieve the key of a local storage

"local storage can only store a string. If you want to store an array, you would have to convert it to a string using JSON.stringify"

However, local storage is not golden as it has it's own limitations, some of which are:

  • Local storage cannot be used to store sensitive user information

  • It is not a substitute for server based database as information is only stored on the browser

  • Local storage is limited to 5MB across all major browsers

  • Local storage is quite insecure as it has no form of data protection and can be accessed by any code on your webpage

  • Local storage is synchronous, meaning each operation called would only execute one after the other

Thanks for reading!. I believe you have been able to get a basic understanding about local storage and the different methods of using local storage.